Monday, July 3, 2023

Do Not Be Unbelieving But Believe

 “Have you come to believe because you have seen me? 
Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” 
JOHN 20 : 29

Lord Jesus, You are my Lord and my God, I believe in You! Be praised and glorified O Lord for the love and peace that You bring each moment of my life.

Love that binds our family to enjoy life to the full by getting together and holding on to one another. Peace of having a secured life under the power of Your abundant provisions, protection, and healing graces. 

Please forgive me for the countless times that I have doubt my faith and belief in You. Times when my mind has been conditioned to the realities of the world rather than holding to the truth I have a big God whose powers are far beyond the reach of man. In Your hands I hold, so that I may always be safe and secured. Please hold me ever so close to you. May Your hand continue to work in giving me the best of life in the world that You wanted for me. 

You alone can give me the peace that I seek each moment of my life. In You, I have the courage and strength to face the challenges of life with a positive view. In each of the pains and sufferings that comes my way, is a tremendous grace and blessing that truly brings glory. 

You alone has the power to make all my dreams come true. I may have not seen you during your lifetime in the world but in faith I believe that you are still very much alive in me. Time and again, you made me experience the glory of your presence.

All glory and honor are Yours now and forever. Amen.

Trust in the Lord and Do Good

Trust in the Lord and do good,  that you may dwell in the land  and be fed in security.  Take delight in the Lord,  and he will grant you  y...